Welcome to Indiana Army Surplus, your local destination for authentic military gear, outdoor gear, and Firearms. For over 40 years we have proudly served our community with a passion for quality and durability.
From the early days in the mid-eighties, as The Supply Depot, on R Street in Bedford to our current location on West 16th and Indiana 37, Indiana Army Surplus has offered the finest in military surplus, collectibles and historic items. Our store is more than a retail space; it’s a legacy built on tradition, trust, and a commitment in providing the best in military surplus. Whether you are an outdoor enthusiast, a history buff, or someone looking for rugged, reliable gear, you will find what you need here. From vintage uniforms to modern tactical equipment, our inventory is carefully curated to offer both functionality and nostalgia. We take pride in our knowledgeable staff, bringing their first-hand experience to help you find exactly what you are looking for.
Indiana Army Surplus isn’t just about selling products; it’s about fostering a community where everyone feels welcome!
Come visit us at Indiana Army Surplus, where tradition meets necessity, and every item tells a story. Experience the difference of shopping with a store that has been a trusted part of Bedford Indiana for over four decades.